Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bitter Sweet Sixteen~

My thoughts just before my sixteenth birthday...

I stand on the brink
Of age sixteen,
Glance over my shoulder
At the things I've seen.

The memories made,
The friendships lost,
Recollections resurface,
Disheveled and tossed. 

There have been good times,
And times my heart burned,
And times when it bled,
But life-lessons were learned.

God's blessed me with friends,
Given me days to remember.
Things which cannot be swept 
'way by winds of December.

Everything occurs for a reason,
Both the good and bad.
I wouldn't trade one
Experience I've had. 

So many things gone now
People and things I miss.
I will cherish the things
That brought me to this.

Who I am now,
And who I will be,
And who I once was,
Make up the whole me.

They call this age "sweet",
And I know what they mean,
But I think of it more 
As "bitter-sweet" sixteen.

Copyright Hannah Scarlett 2013


  1. Ah Hannah, your words always touch the soft spot in my heart; this is incredibly beautiful.

    And you know what? This poem resembles exactly how I felt when I turned 16.

    Your sister in Christ,



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