Tuesday, May 10, 2011


(I was assisted in the writing of this poem by my little 8-year-old sister, Ella.)

In the west,
The sun sets,
And darkness claims the land.

The moon so pale,
The sky is veiled,
And night extends her inky hand.

Birds cease their call,
A sign of nightfall,
Tucking their heads 'neath a warm wing.

All is still,
Stars shine o'er the hill,
And near the pond the peepers sing.

Oh, how silent-
Oh, how lovely-
The robin in her nest.

Oh, how calm-
Oh, how peaceful-
The way night brings us rest.

© Hannah Scarlett 2011


  1. Whoa, that's beautiful, I love it!


  2. That is really beautiful and descriptive. I love it!


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